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14 June 2022
Bern, Switzerland
Swiss Medtech Day 2022

Deep Dive Session 1

Digital Technology

Morning Edition: 11.35 – 12.35 h | Afternoon Edition: 14.50 – 15.50 h

The current focus on prevention, public health, patient empowerment, and out-of-hospital care is transforming the entire healthcare sector. The ongoing digital revolution and pioneering medical-device technologies offer patients and doctors new solutions that increase the standard of care and reduce costs. The development of digital health tools requires significant coordination across multiple disciplines such as sensor electronics, low-power microelectronics, software engineering, signal processing, data analytics, machine learning, system integration, and health and medical sciences.

During this Technology Deep Dive session you will hear about some technology breakthrough for specific use cases in preventive healthcare and delivery systems, as well as about the challenges of data integrity and privacy, user acceptance and adherence, medical compliance, the seamless integration into the clinical workflow, as well as better automated processing.


  • Prof Dr Olaf Blanke, Head of Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience, EPFL Campus Biotech, Geneva
    Topic: Personalized VR tools to assess and diagnose pain and stress

  • Florian Kuehni, Head of Concept Development and Digital Innovation, Ypsomed AG, Burgdorf
    Topic: Digital and connected tools to improve therapy outcomes

  • Mattia Bertschi, COO Aktiia AG
    Topic: Continuous blood pressure monitoring technology and its implementation into a medical digital product


Jens Krauss, CSEM
Dr Erik Schkommodau, FHNW

Deep Dive Session 2

Framework Conditions

Morning Edition: 11.35 – 12.35 h | Afternoon Edition: 14.50 – 15.50 h

Examples in other countries show, that framework conditions for industry, health care providers and patients are crucial for the speed of e-health solutions finding their way and acceptance into the market.

This deep dive session provides profound insights into the framework conditions necessary to implement digital concepts successfully. An overall framework examining political maturity – and that of industry as well – will be provided.

We will then look at real cases and success stories from international markets. An expert from the German healthcare system will present the latest on their reimbursement system, digital transformation, and particularly, the reimbursement scheme for digital health products (DiGA). Details on the pathway to successful reimbursement from health insurance providers will be given. The last discussion will focus on success factors for the German healthcare system resulting from digital health efforts.

Next, we learn how a prestigious hospital is benefiting from successfully implemented digital processes and which prior conditions were required. Details about the path towards digital health implementation will be provided and lessons discussed. The impact on various medical stakeholders and measurements of success will be explained.

After this, we turn our attention to Switzerland and hear from a leading member of the administration about how e-Health is making its way into our federal system – and what Switzerland is learning from other countries. We will provide insights on the path going forward and what the various actors in the Swiss health ecosystem can expect and contribute.

The session is rounded off with a moderated panel discussion where the audience will be able direct questions to all speakers. This provides a unique opportunity to transfer lessons from the Deep Dive into the participant’s individual situation.

This session is designed for everyone (from startups, SMEs, suppliers, to major players) in the health ecosystem with an interest in the framework conditions involved in modernisation and digitalisation.


  • Paulinka Bandel, Draeger
  • Prof Dr Dr Michael Czaplik, Doc in Clouds GmbH, University Hospital Aachen
  • Dr Sven Sauermann, HealthCare Heads GmbH
  • Adrian Schmid, eHealth Suisse
  • Hansjörg Riedwyl, ISS AG
  • Moritz Pfeiffer, UNITY AG


Dr Heiko Visarius, be-advanced AG

Deep Dive Session 3

Business Solutions

Morning Edition: 11.35 – 12.35 h | Afternoon Edition: 14.50 – 15.50 h

Thanks to digital technologies, the patient pathway involves many supportive, diagnostic, and analytical interactions. The envisioned solutions deliver value for patients, users, hospitals, and payers. In this session we elaborate and discuss three Use Cases that are driving patient needs - including many aspects combining both health and economics.

Digitised patient interactions require new reimbursement models and business solutions. Benefit from the latest experiences and forward-thinking best practices.


  • Prof PhD Stavroula Mougiakakou, ARTORG Center, University of Bern
  • Marcel J. Scacchi, Medtech Navigator
  • Daniel Diezi, Gerresheimer, Sensile Medical AG
  • Beat Lechmann, Johnson & Johnson Medical Devices


Beat Lechmann, Johnson & Johnson Medical Devices

Deep Dive Session 4

Best Practice Case «University Medical Center Essen»

Morning Edition: 11.35 – 12.35 h | Afternoon Edition: 14.50 – 15.50 h

Digital transformation in hospitals – what are the implications for employees and patients?

In the IT industry, it is always «break things and move fast» – In medicine, on the other hand, «do not harm» is the overriding principle.Progress should be disruptive, but must not cause any harm. How can one manage this contradiction within the development of a smart hospital? What role do the individual stakeholders (patients, employees, suppliers, insurance companies, authorities, external caregivers, etc.) play?


  • Prof Dr Jochen Werner, Medical Director and Chairman of the Board, Essen University Medical Center
  • Stefan Schlichting, Unity AG


Dr. Urs Guggenbühl, be-advanced AG

Closed since 19 June 2022
Kursaal Bern